

You can import the upload internal middleware from core/middlewares and pass it as middleware. The upload is a function that can receive an object with folder name. For example: upload().single("file") or upload({ folder: 'images' }).single("file").

import { Router } from "@hefestos/core";
import { upload } from "app/middlewares";

const routes = Router();"/upload", upload().single("file"), (req, res) => {
  return res.json(req.file?.filename);

export default routes;

The upload internal middleware will upload to the local uploads directory. If you pass a folder as a parameter, this folder will be created within uploads. In the case of upload({ folder: 'images' }).single("file"), the “images” folder will be created within uploads, and the files sent via the “file” field will be stored within it.

To upload to an aws s3 bucket, you must import the uploadTo module from “modules/upload”. For example:

import { ApiResponse, AppError, Router } from "@hefestos/core";
import { upload } from "app/middlewares";
import { uploadTo } from "modules/upload";

const routes = Router();"/media", upload().single("file"), async (request, response) => {
  try {
    if (!request.file) {
      throw AppError.E_VALIDATION_FAIL("The file is required.");

    await uploadTo.s3({ fileName: request.file.filename, file: request.file });

    return ApiResponse.success(response, true);
  } catch (error: any) {
    return ApiResponse.error(response, error);

export default routes;


Through the S3 module you can add or remove files from the s3 bucket. The S3 module has 2 functions put and delete.

put - expects to receive the parameters:

key: string;
body: Buffer;
contentType: string;

Put example:

const key = join(params.folder || "", params.fileName);
const body = await File.createBuffer(filePath);

const config = {
  contentType: "image/png",

await S3.put(config);

delete - expects to receive the parameters:

fileName: string;
folder?: string;

Delete example:

const media = {
  url: "file.jpg",
  userId: 2,

await S3.delete({ fileName: media.url, folder: media.userId });

PS: To upload files to S3, we recommend using the uploadTo module from “core/modules”.

You can import the File module like this: import { File } from 'core/modules';.
