

First you need to set the SMTP_HOST, SMTP_PORT, SMTP_USER and SMTP_PASSWORD environment variables.

To send emails, we will use the sendMail function of the Mailer class, which is located in the vendor/mail directory.


await Mailer.sendMail({
  from: "",
  to: "",
  subject: "E-mail Subject",
  text: "E-mail message",
  html: "HTML code in string format",

We recommend using the renderHtml function that you can import from @hefestos/core to turn your HTML email template into a string. We also recommend that you always send the email message in text in addition to HTML.

In renderHtml you will pass the file path with extension, for example: renderHtml("mails/contact.nj");

We recommend keeping email templates in the mails directory.

Complete Example:

import { ApiResponse, renderHtml } from "@hefestos/core";

const routes = Router();"/mail", async (request, response) => {
  try {
    const htmlString = renderHtml("mails/contact.nj");

    await Mailer.sendMail({
      from: "",
      to: "",
      subject: "E-mail Subject",
      text: "E-mail message",
      html: htmlString,

    return ApiResponse.success(response);
  } catch (error: any) {
    return ApiResponse.error(response, error);

export default routes;

We use the nodemailer library, for more information visit its official documentation.
