

Factories are used to define a blueprint of a data structure and then using that blueprint to generate dummy data. You can create a Factory using our generator with the command bun g and selecting the factory option. Let’s check out this example.

First, we’ll use the command bun g, select the factory option and name ContentCreator, and the file will be generated in /app/database/factories/ContentCreatorFactory.ts. Inside the ContentCreatorFactory file, we’ll set the properties like this.

import { Factory } from "@hefestos/core";
import { ContentCreator } from "..";

export default new Factory().define(ContentCreator, (faker) => {
  return {
    name: faker.person.fullName(),
    biography: faker.lorem.sentence(4),

The factories uses the @faker-js library. For more references about @faker-js, access the official documentation at
